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Figure 5
(a) Schematic picture of the WG with air gap. Two 4 mm × 8 mm Si slabs were firmly pressed one against the other. One slab has two Cr shoulders, about 200 nm thick, which leave one free channel with one nanometric dimension d corresponding to the WG gap, and one macroscopic dimension w (in this case ∼1 mm); one slab had in addition a periodic structure with period P = 200 µm along the WG length L (see Fig. 1[link]). (b) Experimental set-up assembled at the cSAXS beamline for testing the structured WG. The beam was defined by two slit systems, defining a beam at the WG entrance of about 0.6 mm (H) × 0.1 mm (V), with a divergence of about 18 µrad (H) × 3 µrad (V).

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