Figure 9
Normalized reflectivity curves of SR (hν ≈ 400 eV) emitted from (a) four horizontal (H1 + H3 + H5 + H7) ID segments, (b) four vertical (V2 + V4 + V6 + V8) ID segments and (c, d) four horizontal and four vertical (H1 + V2 + H3 + V4 + H5 + V6 + H7 + V8) ID segments. For linearly polarized light in (a) and (b), the ID segments were adjusted so that the main peak of the ID spectrum was located at 398 eV; phase shifters were set to give the maximum photon flux. For circularly polarized light in (c) and (d), the ID segments were adjusted so that the side peak of the ID spectrum was located at 398 eV; phase shifters were set to produce the left- and right-handed circular polarization, respectively. The reflectivity curves were measured in the optical configuration without a phase retarder. The degree of linear polarization (PL) and the degree of circular polarization (PC) are derived and shown in the figure. All the measurements were performed at a photon energy of 398 eV using a 600 lines mm−1 grating with front-end slit opening of 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm and exit slit width of 100 µm. The following abbreviations are used in the figure: LH (linear horizontal), LV (linear vertical), RHCP (right-handed circular polarization), LHCP (left-handed circular polarization). The vertical axis is plotted on a logarithmic scale. |