Figure 7
Results of the measurements of the vertical profile of the first crystal performed with the Si (333) reflection of the 43.2 keV radiation and with the 4 mm × 2 mm aperture of the entrance slit. (a) Width of the rocking curve as a function of the absorbed power. The horizontal dashed line shows the theoretical width of the rocking curve. For the four chosen values of the absorbed power marked by the arrows, the lower panels show the rocking curves measured with the fully open exit slit (b–e), with the vertically narrow exit slit positioned at various vertical offsets (f–i) and the derived vertical profile of the crystal surface (j–m). The arrows in (b–e) indicate the FWHM of the rocking curves. The solid lines in (b, d) show the theoretical rocking curves. The arrows in (g) and (i) show the direction of the angular displacements of the rocking curve positions with increasing vertical offset of the exit slit. The horizontal dashed lines in (j–m) show the height of the undisturbed crystal surface. The arrow in (j) schematically shows the direction of the incident X-ray beam. |