Figure 3
Energy reproducibility and stability of the monochromator. (a) Ni K-edge (8.333 keV) scans in 1 eV steps collected every 45 min for 11 h, with one electron beam injection in between (darker curves were taken later in time). The reduction in fluorescence signal is due to the decay of the beam current in the storage ring. The dispersion of the first inflection point is 0.1 eV peak-to-valley. The inset shows a zoomed view of the absorption edge, normalized by the storage ring current. (b) X-ray fluorescence signal from a Ni foil, normalized by the storage ring current, with the monochromator energy fixed at the first inflection point of the Ni K-edge. Fluorescence was measured every second over an 11 h period (every point in the plot is the average of ten consecutive measures). The initial flux variation is explained by the increase of the thermal load when the front-end was open just at the start of the measure. |