Figure 4
(a) STXM OD image of two Magnetospirillum magneticum strain AMB-1 magnetotactic bacterial cells measured at 710 eV, peak of Fe L3 absorption. The dotted lines outline the individual cells. (b) STXM OD image of the magnetosomes in the AMB-1 cells [region outlined in (a)] measured at 710 eV with a ZP with a 25 nm outer zone width [diffraction-limited spatial resolution (Raleigh criterion) is 31 nm] (10 nm pixels, 4 ms pixel−1). (c) Image of the same region derived from a ptychography measurement at 710 eV, recorded using the same STXM instrument but with a ZP with a 60 nm outer zone width. The estimated spatial resolution of the ptychographic result is 10 nm. (d)–(f) Ptychography images of a magnetosome chain recorded at 708.2 eV with (d) left and (e) right circular polarized light, and (f) their difference (XMCD). Measurements performed at STXM 11.0.2 at the Advanced Light Source. |