Figure 1
Principle of femtoslicing at BESSY II. After being laser-energy modulated in the planar wiggler (U139), electrons emit elliptically polarized soft X-ray pulses in the radiator UE56 after passing a deflecting dipole magnet. Regular electrons (black ellipse) and energy-modulated electrons in the `slice' expect either energy loss (red bar) or energy gain (blue bar). After passing a magnet they emit short-pulse elliptically polarized synchrotron radiation in the UE56 under different emission angles of the order of 1 mrad. A local orbit bump in the electron beam path can be used on user's demand to point either X-rays of ∼50 ps or ∼100 fs duration into the beamline (eye). As indicated by the measured angular distribution in the inset taken at a photon energy of 700 eV, only the angular part from the loss electrons (red) is kicked into the beamline (acceptance marked by dashed lines) while all other photons, also from higher energetic electrons (blue), are sent into the dump. |