Figure 3
Crystals with a longest side length of 10 µm or more yielded molecular-replacement structures from polyalanine search models. (a) After refinement, the electron density from 192 different 20 µm crystals adequately fits the model (R = 22.3, Rfree = 27.7). The region shown is in the vicinity of 6Cys–11Cys (2Fo − Fc contoured at 3σ). The disulfide bond shows no signs of breakage, because the high overall radiation dose was spread over many crystals. (b) A close-up view of the same region is shown with the refined model of the in situ plate mounted crystal (data merged from 88 crystals, R = 21.0, Rfree = 26.3). A difference omit map is contoured at 2σ (the two cysteine sulfur atoms were omitted from the model). No evidence of damage to the disulfide bond is visible, even though the data were obtained at room temperature (where radiation damage should have been larger). |