Figure 3
GUI panels used in G-SITENNO. (a) A typical example of the first GUI panel confirming the data-processing status. The RUN number, sample name and current process are reported in the first three columns. The fourth to eighth columns report the total number of tags (collected single-shot diffraction patterns), the number of tags, the particular X-ray that hit sample particles, the number of tags to be analyzed and the hit ratio, respectively. The X-ray beam intensity measured by beam monitors upstream of the experimental hutch (Tono et al., 2013 ) is tabulated in the ninth through eleventh columns. The background color of each row in the table indicates the data processing status. Green, yellow, magenta and cyan indicate data conversion to the HDF5 format, data processing by TAMON–JIKOKU–KOHMOKU, the phase-retrieval calculation by ZOCHO and montage creation, respectively. (b) When clicking the `Summary' tab of a sample after finishing the phase-retrieval calculation, the second panel appears. The upper three plots display the frequency distributions of the diffraction intensity, the effective resolution based on the signal-to-noise ratio of the resolution shells, and the score evaluating the centrosymmetry in the diffraction patterns from the small-angle region. The lower three plots are the frequency distributions of the RF, parameter γ and the oversampling ratio in the phase-retrieval calculation. These six frequency distribution plots are output from Gnuplot (Williams & Kelley, 2014 ), which is invoked by SITENNO. The two-dimensional plot at the right is the frequency distribution for the estimated beam center positions in the MPCCD Octal detector in the selected RUN. |