Figure 2
(a) Schematic of the integrated X-ray system and Kolsky bar apparatus. Note that the standard 24-bunch mode offered by APS was utilized. In the current configuration, both transmission X-ray diffraction and PCI were detected simultaneously during the high-rate Kolsky bar loading via an ICCD and high-speed camera, respectively. (b) Photographs of the setup within the 32-ID-B hutch. Demarcations have been placed on vital pieces of equipment in both images including: (1) high-speed camera used for PCI; (2) miniature tension Kolsky bar; (3) helium-filled X-ray flight path; (4) ICCD camera used to record the diffraction pattern during high-rate loading; (5) rotating camera arm; (6) goniometer; and (7) positioning stage used to mount the fast-response load cell. Note that there is a compression Kolsky bar also located on the bar frame, thereby allowing for either tension or compression testing depending on bar selection. |