Figure 4
Qy/Qz slices of the recorded three-dimensional RSM around the (333) InAs/InAs1–xPx Bragg reflection from a single InAs1–xPx segment in an InAs NW are shown on the left-hand side along with simulation results with different shell arrangements on the right-hand side. For comparison, the dynamic range of the intensities plotted as contour colours is always equal for both plots. Moreover, the dynamic range was chosen according to the analyzable intensity range of the measurement. Simulation parameters are equal for each simulation: NW diameter 175 nm, P content 20%, segment thickness 43 nm. In (a) a simulation without shells is shown, whereas in (b) shell thicknesses for the inner and the outer shell of 1 nm and 2.5 nm were used. In (c) both shells were chosen to be 4 nm thick. |