Figure 3
(a) Time-correlation function of S-low at q = 0.03 nm−1 (circles), q = 0.04 nm−1 (triangles), q = 0.05 nm−1 (diamonds) and q = 0.06 nm−1 (squares). Data for 0 s ≤ t ≤ 109 s were used to reduce the aging effect. (b–d) Dependence of relaxation time τ and exponent p on q: S-low (b), S-mid (c) and S-high (d). The dashed line shows τ ≃ q−0.5. The symbols represent the start time used for the analyses: 0 s (squares), 55 s (open triangles), 110 s (diamonds), 164 s (circles) and 219 s (closed triangles). |