Figure 3
(a) Schematic of the BioSAXS flow cell, showing the basic design elements. Two outer layers of PMMA (grey) provide structural support to the flow cell, while the central channel of PMMA contains the flow channel and effectively sets the X-ray path length. Sandwiched between the PMMA layers are X-ray transparent window layers of 25 µm-thick polystyrene (yellow). (b) Side view of the BioSAXS flow cell enclosed in the flow cell holder. A mirror on top of the flow cell holder allows a camera to capture video of the area of the flow cell where X-ray exposure occurs. (c) Configuration of the BioSAXS flow cell and flow cell holder at beamline G1. (d) Composition of detector image wedges of five candidate window materials in real space (equivalent q-range from 0 to 0.25 Å−1). High scattering intensities are indicated in white, low scattering intensities in black. Abbreviations: GL = quartz, KP = kapton, MI = mica, PS = polystyrene, SP = special glass. (e) Background-corrected SAXS and WAXS scattering curves of the five candidate window materials. |