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Figure 9
In situ Fe K-edge XANES spectra (a) and the pre-edge spectra (b) of a 1% Fe/Al2O3 catalyst acquired during a TPR experiment with standard resolution in fluorescence mode. The spectra were acquired using continuous energy scans with a period of approximately 4 min per spectrum. The catalyst powder was exposed to a flow of 5% H2/He (50 ml min−1) in a quartz capillary micro-reactor and heated from room temperature to 575°C at a linear rate of 5°C min−1. The spectra of the starting state (solid line) and final state (dashed line) are shown together in (a); these were used as the basis for linear combination analysis of the whole series of the XANES spectra. The pre-edge spectra in (b) were extracted using the inclined arctangent function and fit with a single pseudo-Voigt peak function. The peak width (FWHM) and Gaussian fraction (xGaussian) of the pseudo-Voigt functions are presented graphically in Fig. 10(b)[link].

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