Figure 3
(a) Experimental set-up for characterization of the C 220 phase plate. S1: slit 1.0 mm (H) × 0.5 mm (V); S2, S3: slits 1.0 mm (H) × 1.0 mm (V); D1: PIN photodetectors; D2, D3: NaI(Tl) detectors. (b) Experimental results. The solid and open circles show a rocking curve of the C 220 reflection and the offset-angle dependence of the measured PL, respectively. The black solid and blue dashed lines are the theoretical curves of PL and PC, respectively. Solid triangles show the offset-angle dependence of the measured peak intensity ratio of the 57FeBO3 111 reflection near the Néel temperature. (c) SR Mössbauer absorption spectra of a 2.5 µm-thick stainless steel foil (57Fe 90%) measured at three different offset angles (Δθ = 0, 8.0′′ and −8.0′′). Solid lines are guides for the eye. |