Figure 4
57Fe polarization-dependent SR-Mössbauer spectroscopy of magnetized iron foils. (a) Linearly (σ, π) or non-polarized (NP) beams are incident on a 2 µm-thick 90% 57Fe-enriched iron foil, whose Hhf is aligned perpendicular to the beam direction and the scattering plane; hi (i = σ, π) is the magnetic unit vector of the incident beam. (b) The circularly (right, left) polarized beam is incident on a 15 µm-thick non-enriched iron foil, whose Hhf forms an angle φ (= 12°) with the beam direction. 57Fe-Mössbauer spectra measured for (c) σ-polarized and non-polarized SR X-rays at Hex ⊥ hσ, (d) π-polarized and non-polarized 57Fe-SR-Mössbauer radiation at Hex ∥ hπ, (e) for right and left circularly polarized SR X-rays at k ∥ Hex and (f) right and left circularly polarized 57Fe-SR-Mössbauer radiation at k ∥ Hex. Solid lines correspond to calculation. Note that the spectra are measured for the iron foil placed before (c, e) and after (d, f) the nuclear Bragg monochromator. |