Figure 5
(a) Comparison of synchrotron radiation based and bench-top instrument based OCD spectra of the same sample (transmembrane segment of PDGFRβ) in fully hydrated oriented DEiPC lipid bilayers (P/L 1:50). The spectra exhibit the typical line shape of a helical fold, and an inserted transmembrane alignment of the peptide in the lipid bilayer can be clearly deduced from the absence of the negative band at 208 nm (see dashed vertical line), given the superior quality of the synchrotron radiation based OCD spectrum. (b) A second comparison of UV-CD12 and J-810 based OCD spectra of an identical sample: here PDGFRβ in fully hydrated DEiPC lipid bilayers has been measured at a P/L of 1:500, i.e. close to the detection limit; here the better signal-to-noise ratio of the SRCD based data is obvious and the SRCD data are reliable down to 198 nm, while the spectrum collected at the bench-top instrument due to the extreme background absorption of the unsaturated lipid and the low photon flux reaching the PMT detector exhibits undependable signals ≤208 nm and a strong kink with negative ellipticities at wavelengths <200 nm. |