Figure 1
Principle of the INS/BM32 UHV chamber coupled to the diffractometer for in situ GISAXS and GIXD measurements. The last vertical anti-scattering slits of the beamline are placed inside the UHV chamber to suppress unwanted X-ray scattering from the entrance Be window. A knife-edge can approach close to the sample to further reduce the background in the horizontal direction. A beam stop is placed inside the chamber just before the exit Be window to block the main beam before it hits the Be window, which would otherwise generate unwanted background scattering. An additional beam stop can also be added outside to remove residual background. RHEED and AES conclude the sample analysis possibilities. The chamber can be equipped with up to eight PVD/MBE sources. All apparati are oriented toward the center of rotation of the diffractometer allowing X-ray measurements during nanostructure formation. Sample introduction is performed through a load-lock and a storage/introduction UHV chamber. |