Figure 1
Overview of the AMO instrument layout with the LAMP endstation. Distances are indicated in meters from the interaction region (IR). The X-ray beam enters the hutch and can first be visualized on a diagnostic (D) screen 5 m upstream of the IR. The beam passes through the aperture slits (S) and is focused by the KB optics (KB). An optical laser in-coupling (L-IN) mirror is located 0.4 m upstream of the IR. The front pnCCD (F-pnCCD) and back pnCCD (B-pnCCD) is located downstream of the IR. A set of three manipulators between the pnCCDs is usable as a beam-position diagnostic, an optical absorption filter or a protective B4C beamstop. Optional diagnostics are located after the back pnCCD, 1.28 m downstream of the IR. The X-ray split and delay unit can be inserted between the KB system and the L-IN which shifts everything behind the KB system 1 m further downstream. The AMO instrument is located approximately 140 m downstream of the undulators. |