Figure 1
Experimental geometry for one possible use of the spent beam at CXI for serial operation of serial femtosecond crystallography (Serial-SFX, or S-SFX). The primary interaction point is at the location of the nanofocus produced by the CXI 100 nm KB system. The beam interacts with the primary sample and then diverges to the Be lenses used as refocusing optics downstream of the primary CSPAD detector. The beam is then refocused to the secondary interaction point, in the microfocus chamber of CXI. Relevant distances are given in Table 1. (a) Conceptual representation of the multiplexed experiments. (b) Schematic layout of the CXI beamline showing the microfocus system in purple and the nanofocus system in green. The microfocus mirrors (KB1) are not used for this geometry and are retracted out of the beam. A set of X-ray focusing lenses 1 m downstream of the nanofocus is used to refocus the beam to the microfocus sample chamber (SC1), with diagnostic elements such as a beam profile monitor (Diag) located between the lenses and the refocusing plane. |