Figure 1
Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up using the hybrid technique at the ANBF, Tsukuba, Japan. A multi-chambered solution cell was used in the cryostat containing two dilute solutions and the pure solvent in three chambers. The cryostat is translated vertically to record intensities attenuated by each of the solutions at each energy. Two daisy wheels containing 14 aluminium filters (of different thicknesses) were employed upstream and downstream to monitor harmonic contamination for higher-order reflections. Different aperture sizes on the daisy wheel allowed aperture-dependent measurements to characterize the scattering effect for correction. Three ion-chambers were employed to record unattenuated intensities, I0, attenuated intensities by the dilute solutions, I1, and further attenuated by the corresponding metallic sample mounted with a cantilever as shown, I2. |