Figure 1
Different imaging modalities supported by the compound optical system. (a) For scanning nanobeam diffraction, the partially coherent KB beam (open KB entrance slits) is cleaned by two successive soft-edge apertures (A1, A2) to cut the KB tails, and the diffraction is recorded by a SAXS (D1) and WAXS (D2) detector, each with respective beam stops (BS). (b) For ptychography, the KB beam is made fully coherent by closing the entrance slits, and the probe can be compactified by pinholes (P) if necessary for sampling. (c) For holographic imaging with the KB beam, the sample is moved to a defocus position, and, after alignment with the pixel detector (D1), a high-resolution detector (D4) is used to record the hologram. (d) For holographic imaging with highest resolution, an X-ray waveguide (WG) is used to filter the probe. Thereby, artifacts related to the typical wavefront distortions of a KB beam can be avoided. |