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Figure 2
Comparison between (a) derivatives of XANES data on α-HgS, Hg0, Rasasindura and red (α)-HgS (lab). Rasasindura closely resembles α-HgS and red (α)-HgS (lab). Clearly in Rasasindura, (i) the edge position is shifted with respect to Hg0 (Eshift = 5 eV) and (ii) pre-edge features are present which are absent in Hg0. The inset shows a comparison between XANES spectra for α-HgS (Hg+2), Hg0 and Rasasindura. Since the observed changes are subtle, we compared the derivatives of the respective XANES spectra. (b) Simulated derivative spectra for different fractions (xHg0) of Hg0.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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