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Figure 4
In vivo synchrotron radiation images of mouse portal veins before and after H2O2 injection: (b), (e) and (h) are magnified images of the red boxed regions in (a), (d) and (g), respectively. Note that no vessels are displayed before H2O2 injection (b), and the portal vein could be more visibly revealed with PCI (h) than with ACI (e). Views (c), (f) and (i) are the line profile analyses of intensity values along a line (green) in (b), (e) and (h), respectively. Note that a distinct change in intensity was detected along the vascular wall on the phase contrast image. Images were acquired at 2 min after injection of H2O2. ACI and PCI were performed with sample-to-detector distances of 1 cm (d) and 60 cm (a, g), respectively. The pixel size was 3.7 µm × 3.7 µm; the exposure time was 0.5 s.

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