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Figure 6
Comparison of RMS error values for different exposure times of 0.5 ms, 1 ms, 5 ms and 10 ms, and different pre-processing methods. 1 image: a single image taken at each exposure time was left unprocessed and the phase depth was reconstructed; 20 images: the average of 20 images taken with the same exposure time; Median filter 1: a median filter with a radius of 10 pixels was first applied to the single raw image; Median filter 2: a median filter with a radius of 5 pixels was first applied to the single raw image; Mean filter: a mean filter with a radius of 5 pixels was first applied to the single raw image. Note that the reference image was taken with a 100 ms exposure time for all reconstructions; given a high signal-to-noise ratio reference is best practice and not difficult to acquire experimentally. The error bars are less than 0.5% RMS error, which is smaller than the data points.

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