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Figure 7
Stokes parameters [P_1^{\,\prime}] and [P_2^{\,\prime}] as a function of the angle of incident linear polarization η at base temperature (a) for the (1,1,10) Bragg peak and (b) for the (1+τ, 1+τ, 10) magnetic peak. The solid and dashed lines are the computed values for [P_1^{\,\prime}] and [P_2^{\,\prime}], respectively, considering a charge scattering process at the charge Bragg peak and a resonant scattering dipole process at the magnetic Bragg peak assuming that the magnetic moment is aligned along c. The only fitting parameter is the degree of incident polarization, which is set to vary as a sine wave as a function of η (see text).

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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