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Figure 1
Nearly on-axis absorption spectrometer. (a) Three-dimensional drawing of the optical system with a goniometer (dark yellow). The transparent green cone represents the path of the diffracted X-rays (corresponding to 1.9 Å resolution, collected at 10 keV). The white light path is shown in yellow. The white light focal point is adjusted to a crystal sample using the x, y and z stages. The white light beam path is 2° off the X-ray beam (red line). The X-ray beamstop is omitted from the drawing. (b) Top view of the optical system. (c) Enlarged view around the sample point. Pr1 and Pr2: prism mirrors; PM1 and PM2: 90° off-axis parabolic mirrors. The circular focal spot image (100 µm diameter) of white light on a polyester film is shown in the inset. (d) Photograph of the optical system, including the cryo-nozzle and the X-ray beamstop.

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