Figure 6
Measured (a, c) and simulated (b, d) horizontal intensity distributions of the various components of the femtosecond X-rays at the sample position of the ZPM beamline. The measurements were performed at 710 eV photon energy. The bottom sketch (e) schematically shows the APD time-trace of the revolution where the electron bunch slicing occurs and the one before (−800 ns) allowing the background to be measured. The arrows indicate the times at which the APD signal was recorded to probe according contributions. The color code is as follows: green corresponds to the total intensity associated with the sliced revolution; blue corresponds to the background intensity associated with the preceding revolution; dark grey is the remaining intensity of the core bunch which experimentally was recorded on the bunch in the hybrid gap; red indicates the deduced pure femtosecond X-ray signal. The top plots (a, b) show the intensity distributions with full acceptance of the ZPM beamline. In (c, d) the background contribution is reduced using a knife-edge from the right (see text). |