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Figure 4
BCDI study of the (111) diffraction of nanocrystals in the FePt and AuPd silica nanocomposites. (a) Central Bragg diffraction frame of the FePt nanocrystal (annealed at 850°C for 90 min), (b) corresponding three-dimensional reconstruction of the FePt nanocrystal with morphology (151 × 91 × 76 nm) and strain isosurface (colour scale units in radians), (c) central Bragg diffraction frame of AuPd nanocrystal (sample 1 annealed at 350°C for 4 h), (d) corresponding three-dimensional reconstruction of AuPd nanocrystal with morphology (113 × 94 × 81 nm) and strain isosurface (colour scale units in radians), (e) central Bragg diffraction frame of AuPd nanocrystal (sample 2 annealed 350°C for 4 h) and (f) corresponding three-dimensional reconstruction of AuPd nanocrystal with morphology (62 × 56 × 62 nm) and strain isosurface (the colour scale in the strain distribution maps of the nanocrystal isosurface shows the relative phase shift, normalized to units in radians, in the range [−1.57, 1.57]).

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