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Figure 3
Schematic illustrations on the preparation of specimen disks carrying copper-oxide particles (a) and gold-colloidal particles (b). Schematic illustration (c) and a photograph (d) of our electrospray system used for uniformly dispersing gold-colloidal particles and PLL solutions. A thin electrode is inserted into a capillary tube with an inner diameter of 24 or 60 µm filled with 8 µL of concentrated suspension of gold-colloidal particles. The tip of the capillary nozzle is set about 10 mm apart from the specimen disk, and then the device is operated by applying a voltage of 5 kV between the electrode and the base plate. The specimen suspension in the capillary tube is evacuated to the vibrator to be dispersed by the ultrasonic cleaner for every 10 min operation to prevent heavy clogging by gravity sedimentation at the tip of the capillary.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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