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Figure 6
Single-cell spectra. XRF data for single cells of bRBC (top left), yeast (top right) and 3T3 (bottom). For the bRBC and yeast spectra, the background-subtracted cell spectrum is shown in gray. For the bRBC cell the fitted peaks for S, K, Fe and Zn are shown in cyan, red, blue and green, respectively; for yeast, the fitted peaks for K and Zn are shown in red and blue, respectively. The 3T3 data (bottom) were measured with a 50 µm i.d. hydrophilic capillary and thus have worse signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with the other data, which were measured using 25 µm i.d. hydrophobic capillaries. For the 3T3 cell, the green and gray lines show the total XRF and the capillary blank, respectively; the blank-corrected XRF is shown in blue, with the energies of the K and Zn fluorescence lines indicated by vertical dashed lines. No fits are shown for the 3T3 cell.

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