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Figure 5
Localized radiation damage effects observed by AFM and XRD. (a) AFM image before exposure to X-rays. (b) AFM image after 10 min of exposure. We observe a 150 nm deep hole which is shown in a zoom (inset). The red spot shows the tip location during the illumination. The light blue spot shows the beam location during illumination. (c) AFM image after a 10 min exposure in an area located 4 µm below the area previously exposed (blue spot). An additional hole is observed (zoom in the inset) where we can distinguish the beam footprint [vertical and horizontal tails in the zone denoted by (1)] as well as a horizontal more pronounced damage extended over 5 µm (2) and large aggregates below the beam position. (d) Section of the 2D XRD pattern showing the beamstop and diffraction spot. (e) Sum intensity of the diffraction feature as a function of time. Inset, on top: sequence of the highlighted diffraction feature after repeated exposures to the X-ray beam.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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