Figure 2
Comparison of XGI and PBI results at two X-ray photon energies. The results of the XGI measurements are shown inside the blue rectangle, and the PBI results are shown inside the red rectangle. (a) XGI phase-slice at 19.7 keV; the white dashed rectangle shows the ROI used for calculating the histogram in (c). (b) XGI phase-slice at 35.6 keV; the numbers correspond to the different materials of Table 1 . (c) Histogram of the XGI slice at 19.7 keV on logarithmic scale, over a region only containing materials inside the phantom. Inside the red rectangle the results of the PBI measurements are shown. (d), (g), (j) PBI slices at 19.7 keV using δ/β values of 300, 2000 and 3000, respectively. (e), (h), (k) PBI slices at 35.6 keV using δ/β values of 600, 1000 and 2000, respectively. (f), (i), (l) Corresponding histograms of the PBI slices at 19.7 keV on a logarithmic scale. |