Figure 8
(a) Isothermal Seebeck coefficient measurements for compression and decompression of the bismuth sample at 325 K. The sharp variation and the change of sign of the Seebeck coefficient between 2 GPa and 2.7 GPa correspond well with the Bi-I to Bi-II phase boundary (shown as the dotted line). A similar trend is observed with decompression, but with a large hysteresis. The errors are propagated from those of voltage values. (b) The relative change in the thermal conductance for compression of bismuth at 325 K. The abrupt trend reversal at 2.5 GPa corresponds to the Bi-I to Bi-II transition in bismuth. (c) The relative change in the figure of merit (normalized by the largest value), ZT, for compression for bismuth. The discontinuity in the trend at around 2.5 GPa is consistent with those observed in the Seebeck and thermal measurements. |