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Figure 4
(a) A single X-ray induced APD signal trace sampled with 2 GS s−1. These are then processed to determine the baseline and the integrated signal area (indicated), delivering a measure of the X-ray intensity of the corresponding pulse. Here ∼100 samples are used to extract the background and ∼70 for the signal, delivering ∼ten-fold more precise values than the standard deviation of ∼1.4 mV of the baseline signal. (b) Measured pulse-height distribution of the integrated APD signal traces for 105 single shots. The bottom ordinate denotes the raw signal amplitude per pulse, and the upper ordinate identifies the number of photons pulse−1. A sum of 12 Gaussians, each corresponding to integer photon numbers between 0 and 11, has been fitted. The integrated areas of each Gaussian, shown in (c), follow a Poisson distribution delivering a mean value of 4.85 photons per X-ray pulse in this measurement.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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