Figure 9
Time-delay scan of the transient signal of [FeII(bpy)3]2+ in H2O (black triangles) and CH3CN (blue circles) at 7125 eV (arrow in Fig. 8 ), together with a fit of a Gaussian error function convoluted with a single exponential decay. The decay times of 0.6 ns in H2O (dotted black line) and 0.9 ns in CH3CN (solid blue line) agree with the literature data. The rise time of 0.1 ns is almost equivalent to the pulse duration of the X-rays. The relatively low S/N of ∼20 is due to the fact that these spectra were recorded with relatively poor laser/X-ray overlap conditions (after these initial time-delay scans we usually optimize overlap conditions to achieve S/N values as shown, for example, in Fig. 8 ). |