Figure 9
(a) Absorption (Abs) image of a Ni electrode together with the elemental distribution of C, O, F and Ni (1 keV excitation energy, with a spot size of 1 µm2 over an area of 80 µm × 80 µm), and XANES spectra acquired at the points indicated in panel Abs. The acquisition times were 5 s pixel−1 for LEXRF and 20 ms for the absorption image. The XANES spectra were collected point by point with a photodiode downstream of the sample for an overall acquisition time of ∼15 min. (b) Absorption (Abs) and differential phase contrast images (PhC) together with the elemental distribution of C, O, Fe and Co of a mouse fibroblast cell exposed to a 1000 µM concentration of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles. Data acquired with 920 eV excitation energy, 500 nm spot size, 5 s pixel−1 acquisition time for LEXRF and 200 ms pixel−1 for STXM images. The image area is 35 µm × 40 µm. |