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Figure 4
(a, c, e) Phase shifts due to figure errors, and (b, d, f) intensity profiles at the image plane calculated with different figure error profiles generated using equation (11)[link] with (a, b) b0 = 1.1 × 10−3 nm, n = 1–10, (c, d) b0 = 1.7 × 10−2 nm, n = 11–100 and (e, f) b0 = 0.16 nm, n = 101–1000. The RMS figure height error is 2.3 nm for all mirrors. Solid, dotted and dashed lines denote the results from the phase projection method (MOI option 1), the direct path length method (MOI option 2) and HYBRID, respectively. 300 elements are used in the MOI calculation for the low-frequency (a, b) case at the incident and exit planes of the mirror, while 1000 elements are used for the other two cases.

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