Figure 6
Representative diffraction patterns from the Rayonix (a, b, c) and CSPAD (d) detectors. The photosystem II lattice patterns (a, d) illustrate diffraction from single crystals that are readily indexed, while the pattern from hydrogenase (b) contains many overlapping lattices (several crystals are in the beam) that are relatively difficult to disentangle. Pattern (c) is a `Miss,' containing solvent diffraction only, no protein. The purple boxes (c, d) show the approximate inspection area for the human expert annotation. The figure illustration was produced by binning the original data 4×4. Gray-scale display values D rendered in the viewer in the range [0 = white, 1 = black] were calculated as follows: D = min(1, MPx/P90), where Px is the value at pixel x in the raw data, P90 is the value of the 90th-percentile pixel over the image, and M is a contrast parameter set manually within the viewer, with values in the range [0.004 = lightest, 2 = darkest], with a default of 0.4. The arrow in (a) highlights the shadow cast by partial absorption of X-rays through the Kapton material of the conveyor belt. |