Figure 7
Simulated integrated beam power, relative to the `ideal' case of a clean chromium surface with 0.5 nm roughness, at the example of 12 mrad mirrors. The relative beam power corresponds to a modified mirror reflectivity (target value of 0.17, cf. Table 2 ). Three curves for Cr2O3 surfaces of 0.5 nm, 4 nm or 8 nm roughness and a minimum thickness as determined by the roughness, up to 500 nm. Two curves for a carbon contamination layer (0.5 nm or 8 nm roughness) between the thickness corresponding to the roughness value and 30 µm thickness. Spectrally integrated power values compiled for 1 cm beam width at the sample location and an electron current of 250 mA, for the spectral range of 0.1 keV to 20 keV photons, and a vertical acceptance angle limited by 3 mm vertical slit height upstream of the mirrors, at 10.372 m from the source point. |