Figure 2
(a) A typical experimental scattering pattern from a metal-coated microsphere. The sample is close to a perfect sphere as seen from the concentric circles. The speckles originate from structural imperfections, mainly in the metallic coating. The direct beam was blocked by a beam stop, indicated by the green rod. The color scale gives the log10 value of the photon count per pixel per second. The white half-circles represent q = 0.018 nm−1, 0.03 nm−1 and 0.05 nm−1. The inset gives a magnified view of the region within the square, highlighting the concentric scattering rings. (b) Azimuthally integrated intensity of the experimental scattering pattern, and the calculated scattering pattern from the model sphere. The radial electron density of the model sphere is shown in the inset. The intensity beating, with period q ≃ 0.055 nm−1, is caused by the metallic coating. The fit is in good agreement with the experimental data. A constant background of 3.5 counts s−1 has been added to the fitted curve. |