Figure 3
Overlay of classical histology and SRµCT-based virtual histology. (a) A microscope image of a human PDAC tumor established in a mouse by orthotopic transplantation of human AsPC-1 cells is shown. IHC with an anti-human-EGFR antibody identifies the tumor mass (t, light red color) developed in proximity of the stomach (s) and duodenum (d), both counterstained in violet by the H&E. Deformations and ruptures occurred during the cutting process, i.e. at the position indicated by the white arrow head. The ROI encasing the tumor mass was selected (black square). (b) Volume rendering of the ROI marked in (a) from a SRµCT scan (resolution 2.7 µm) of the entire AsPC-1 tumor sample embedded in paraffin together with stomach and duodenum. (c) Images of (a) and (b) were aligned to demonstrate the precise match of the same anatomical region imaged by SRµCT and by microscope, except for the ruptured region. |