Figure 9
Stacking of two zone plates with 100 nm outermost zone period, each with ti = 1 µm thickness, at 10 keV photon energy. Using the four different stacking schemes shown in Fig. 8 , in (a) we show both the radial intensity profile and also the radially integrated energy for m = 2 second diffraction order focusing. The 1:3 line:space approach with the second zone plate being a complementary zone plate has a unique property of having very little energy in sidelobes around the central focus spot. In (b) we show the normalized focus intensity for 1:3 line:space stacking with regular and complementary second zone plate as a function of separation distance , demonstrating a crossover between which approach is preferred at half of of equation (13) . In (c) we show the focal spot intensity as the line:space ratio is adjusted in both the upstream and (regular) downstream zone plate; the optimum line:space ratio for a variety of separation distances is shown in (d). |