Figure 1
Overview of the upgraded instrumentation at the EDDI beamline with the setup for simultaneous X-ray imaging and energy-dispersive diffraction. The yellow, green and orange arrows depict the incident beam, the transmitted (and reflected) beam and the diffracted signal, respectively. The insets provide photographs of the sample environments mounted on the sample stage for radioscopy (R), consisting of an X-ray-transparent furnace and a camera for expandometry or tomography (T) with a rotation stage right below the beam path and an infrared heating lamp on top. The green arrows in the insets define the path of the transmitted radiation. This beam is transformed into visible light by a scintillator, then mirrored upwards by 90° into the magnifying optic and finally to the high-speed CMOS camera sensor. The orange arrow shows the path of the diffracted beam to the multichannel Ge detector positioned at a fixed but pre-selectable 2θ angle for energy-dispersive diffraction. The outcomes of these experiments are a series of X-ray projection images and diffractograms. |