Figure 4
Transient optical transmission as a function of time delay of the laser with four different wavelengths: (a) 400 nm; (b) 520 nm; (c) 800 nm; red (right axis): single-shot signal of beamline timing monitor using 20 µm thickness with spectral encoding; blue (second-left axis): transient absorption signal using transparent 20 µm YAG, photodiode and unfocused X-ray; black (left axis): t0-finder signal; (d) 1300 nm; (e) 800 nm with monochromized X-rays after Si(440) monochromator; and (f) correlation coefficient as a function of time delay of 800 nm with monochromized X-rays after Si(440) monochromator. Both (a) and (b) are obtained by step-by-step scan with 100 fs step and 240 pulses at each delay position and sorted by time-tool signal for higher temporal resolution, while (c) and (d) are obtained by continuous scan with 120 s acquisition time for a total scan range from −2 to 2 ps, respectively, which are sorted by the time-tool signal. |