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Figure 1
ORTEPII (Johnson, 1976BB9) drawings of the complexes (1b) and (2b) with atom numbering. The displacement ellipsoids for the non-H atoms are drawn at 50% probability and the H atoms are drawn as spheres with a radius of 0.1 Å. (a) (1b), symmetry codes: (i) [y, {1\over 2}-x, {1\over 4}+z]; (ii) [{1\over 2}-y, x, z-{1\over 4}]. (b) (2b), symmetry codes: (i) [{3\over 4}-y, {1\over 4}+x, {1\over 4}+z]; (ii) [y-{1\over 4}, {3\over 4}-x, z-{1\over 4}].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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