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Figure 4
(a) Perspective view of the elementary layer unit cell [{\bf a}_{L}^{} = {{1}\over{2}}{\bf a}_{\rm I}^{}], [{\bf b}_{L}^{} = {\bf b}_{\rm I}^{}], [{\bf c}_{L}^{} = 2{\bf c}_{\rm I}^{}]. The alternation of orientation chains along [{\bf b}_{L}^{}] and [{\bf c}_{L}^{}] is symbolized by A/B indices. H atoms have been omitted for simplicity. (b) Projection of the unit cell along [{\bf b}_{L}^{}] showing the mesh-like pattern formed by two successive chain orientations A and B. HMT molecules have been omitted for clarity. (c) Projection of the unit cell along [{\bf c}_{L}^{}] showing a similar mesh-like pattern.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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