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Figure 6
The asymmetric unit of HMT-C7 in its three distinct phases: (a) high-temperature disordered phase decribed in space group Bmmb; (b) ordered phase described in space group Pccn; (c) twinned phase described in space group P21/c. The atoms with superscripts are generated by applying the following symmetry operations: (i) [x, {{1 \over 2}}-y, z]; (ii) [1-x, {{1}\over{2}}-y, z]; (iii) 1-x, y, z; (iv) 1-x, 1-y, 3-z; (v) x, 1-y, 3-z; (vi) [{{1}\over{2}}-x, {{1}\over{2}}-y, z]; (vii) [{{1}\over{2}}-x, {{3}\over{2}}-y, z]. The symmetry operations (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) refer to the space group Bmmb and (vi), (vii) in (b) refer to Pccn. In (b) and (c), the O atoms are represented by their approximate limiting ellipsoids.

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