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Figure 9
The differentiation of the shortest intermolecular contacts in benzene I at 296 K when pressure increases from 0.3 to 0.7 GPa and to 1.1 GPa; as well as at 218 K and 0.1 MPa, and 138 K and 0.1 MPa. Symmetry codes: (i) [-{1\over 2}+x, y, {1\over 2}-z]; (ii) [{1\over 2}+x, y, -{1\over 2}-z]; (iii) [x, {1\over 2}-y, {1\over 2}+z]; (iv) [x, {1\over 2}-y, -{1\over 2}+z]; (v) [{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, -z]; (vi) [-{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, -z].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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