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Figure 10
Projection of molecular layers at x = 0 (ordered, black) and [ 1\over 4] (disordered, magenta and violet) down a in model 2. (a) The arrangement of the major component of the layer at x = [ 1\over 4] (magenta) with respect to the ordered layer. The two layers are related to each other by non-crystallographic inversion centres at ([ 1\over 8], [ 1\over 4] −0.039, [ 1\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 1\over 4] −0.039, [ 5\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 3\over 4] −0.039, [ 1\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 3\over 4] −0.039, [ 5\over 8]) and non-crystallographic g-glide planes at y = 0–0.039 and ½ − 0.039. (b) Non-crystallographic inversion centres at ([ 1\over 8], [ 1\over 4] + 0.039, [ 1\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 1\over 4] + 0.039, [ 5\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 3\over 4] + 0.039, [ 1\over 8]); ([ 1\over 8], [ 3\over 4] + 0.039, [ 5\over 8]) and non-crystallographic g-glide planes at y = 0 + 0.039 and ½ + 0.039 relate the minor component (violet) of the layer at x = [ 1\over 4] to the ordered layer at x = 0. The crystallographic 21 axes located in both major and minor layers at x = [ 1\over 4] are shown, while black dashed lines running parallel to the c axis at y = [ 1\over 4] and [ 3\over 4] indicate crystallographic a-glide planes.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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