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Figure 3
(a) Interactions of FR-900098 with MtDXR, showing side chains and waters that interact with the antibiotic. Hydrogen bonds or salt links with the phosphonate are shown as lime green bubbled lines, while those involving the metal are coral-coloured. The interactions of the acetylhydroxyamino group are indicated in navy blue for the closest van der Waals contacts with the indole ring of Trp203 and in sky blue for the hydrogen bond to the hydroxyl group of Ser152. (b) Overlay of the MtDXR–Mn–F98–NADPH (PDB entry 4a03 , atom colouring) and PfDXR–Mg–F98–NADPH (PDB entry 3aua , violet colouring) structures, showing residues that interact with the FR-900098 phosphonate group.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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